Friday, July 14, 2006

Bird watching in Central Idaho

People in rural Central Idaho will get much-needed economic stimulus—and for Custer County (which is more than 95 percent federal land) we think that help is merited and long overdue. And, after all, a healthy rural economy is good for all Idahoans. Motorized recreation enthusiasts will get reasonable certainty as to which trails and areas around the Boulder-White Clouds will remain for enjoyment by their families, particularly trails they have identified as priorities. Idaho families and visitors who prefer to find quiet recreation under their own power—for bird watching, fishing, camping, hunting, hiking, and so much more—will have the assurance that long favorite, but unprotected, wilderness haunts will at long last get the protection of law.

The way we see it, CIEDRA will go down in the books as a historic landmark for Idaho: good for the land, good for the economy and good for our communities.

...quiet recreation and bird watching...

Idaho Mountain Express: Let's protect the Boulder-White Clouds - July 14, 2006

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